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When you don’t communicate to your partner how much they mean to you it can make them insecure in the relationship and leave them wondering where you stand. Here are 12 things you can say to your partner so they know just how much they mean to you.

12 Things You Should Say to your Partner

Communication is so important in relationships. When you don’t communicate to your partner how much they mean to you it can make them insecure in the relationship and leave them wondering where you stand. Here are 12 things you can say to your partner so they know just how much he means to you.


1. Wow, you’re really good-looking.

Who doesn’t want to be complemented like this. We all feel insecure sometimes but hearing that our S.O. likes the way we are is something you never get tired of hearing.


2. You look handsome.

He puts effort in to look nice for you, show him you notice!


3. You smell amazing.

It’s not all about the way he looks, show him you noticed that new cologne.


4. You’re a good man.

Complements shouldn’t all be skin deep. Tell him how you appreciate him not just the way he looks.


5. I believe in you.

Hearing someone say this means so much. We all need a cheerleader sometimes. Tell him that you know he can do whatever he sets his mind to.


6. Just being with you makes me happy.

Tell him just how much he means to you. Sitting on the couch just being with your partner can be so nice show him how much you value that time with him.


7. I’m proud of you.

Take the pressure off, tell him how proud you are of all he has accomplished.


8. I respect you.

You can’t have a relationship without respect. Express your respect.


9. I’m so lucky to have you.

It’s such a simple way to show how much you appreciate him


10. I wish I met you sooner.

This is the ultimate compliment.


11. I appreciate everything you do for me.

Let him know you see how much he does for you and that it means a lot to you, and so does he.


12. I trust you.

You can’t have a relationship without trust. It may seem like something that doesn’t need to be expressed but telling your partner that you trust him can open up the communication in your relationship!