Adam's Colossal 12-Inch Dildo
Adam's Colossal 12-Inch Dildo
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
This dildo I bought with the purpose to possibly warm me up for the boomer banks dildo I had bought. When I got this in the mail and opened it up I had saw that although it wasn't as long as the boomer banks dildo, it was much thicker. Honestly I have to know use my other dildo to warm up for this one. It's honestly great and definitely not for beginners.
Anonymous - 8/15/2017
This dildo imo should be novelty only. I know other reviews talk about actual use, but unless you're used to having a thick arm inside you, keep this one as a gag gift.
NotSteve - 10/11/2023
It's a big boy it's nice if your looking for something big
Storm Cloud - 6/11/2022
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